The KTRF is seeking to raise the Textbook quality standard and the textbook system by collecting materials internationally and compare them with Korean education system, with the hope to improve.
KTRF Objective
- As stated in the KTRF’s education content, the Textbook quality level improvement and comparative research done on textbook system collected internationally, Republic of Korea has contributed to the educational development of the Textbook and the related central research performed.
Presentation of new paradigm for development of textbooks
Setting the role of the foundation as an institution specializing in textbook-related research with the view of improving the quality of textbooks
Invigoration of research programs
Expansion of the role concerning policy-related research
Pushing forward with seminars and training sessions
Wider distribution of quarterly magazine Textbook Research
Substantiation textbook-related information
Expansion of the scope of collection of textbooks published both in and out of the country
Securing diverse educational materials
Obtaining textbook-related research results
Provision of support for management of the quality of textbooks
Operation of a database online system for revision and improvement of textbooks
Operation of the Textbook Information One-stop Service Center](/eng/images/content/vision.gif)
1992. 8. 12. Establishment of the Korea Textbook Research Institute as a foundation
(Obtaining the approval of the Minister of Education for establishment)
1999. 1. 1. Changed the name to the Korea Textbook Research Center
1999. 9. 1. Opening of the Textbook Information Library as an ancillary body
2000. 9. 14. Changed the name to the KTRF
2000. 10. 1. Carrying out the work for supplying textbooks
(The said work was ended in September 2002.)
2013. 1. 14. Opening of the Textbook Information One-stop Service Center
2014. 2. 13. Commencement of the original text-based database service at the Textbook Library
2015. 4. 1. The Ministry of Education starts the operation of the textbook-related material center and the online system for correction and supplementation of textbooks.
2015. 4. 27. Mr.Lee Ji-han was inaugurated as the 11th Chairman of the KTRF.](/eng/images/content/history.jpg)
Establishment basis
- Established under the Civil law Article 32 and Supervision policy Article 5 of The Ministry of Education’s jurisdiction as a non-profit foundation.